Return to Google Docs and follow the link on top of the tab to reload Google Docs to enable the extension.Click the "Enable this item’ link on top of the Chrome webstore tab.(If not installed, install the Google Docs Offline extension.).Follow the link presented to install the Google Docs Offline extension.

Right click on the document, click ‘Copy and paste without formatting’ Steps to Reproduce (add as many as necessary): 1. To disable offline editing, update your settings.” When I follow the link to enable the extension, I redirected to the same Chrome webstore page where I again must clink ‘Enable this item’, creating a never-ending cycle in which the Google Docs Offline features remain disabled. Each time I do this (by clicking the ‘Enable this item’ link on the same page: ) and reload google docs to implement it, I am presented again with the following notice on top of the google docs page: “The Google Docs Offline Chrome extension is missing or disabled. When performing certain functions in google docs, like copying and pasting without formatting or editing offline documents, it directs me to enable the Google Docs Offline extension via the Chrome web store.